Meet the team

Dear readers,

With this first article I would like to introduce you to the new year of the SECTOR. We are a fresh committee with new ideas and look forward to arranging intriguing articles for you to enjoy. Before we start publishing our articles. I wanted to show you the faces behind this year's committee. 

First of all, I want to start with Quinten Verhagen. Last year, this master student was the chairman of Kraket's informal Ecotribune magazine and this year he wanted to extend his portfolio by joining our more formal committee. With his creativity and great ideas he will for sure come up with amazing articles. In fact, he is already working on an article with a well-known Kraketter.

Next we have Lucas de Haan. After his bachelors in history he decided to take a different path and did a premaster in economics and econometrics. Which led him to becoming a master student in econometrics. With this interesting background we are sure he brings the SECTOR a fresh perspective. 

Then we have Helena Capiello. As a student from a bachelors in business administration at the university of Mannheim, she came to Amsterdam for an exchange. She will bring us experience from outside the Netherlands and already used her network. Lucas and Helena interviewed a researcher from Germany. You will read more about this in the next article! 

Next we have our youngest member Marijn Korthouwer. But age doesn’t mean a thing as this busy student brings us many great ideas. Just like Quinten, Marijn also did a year in the Ecotribune committee and grew to the SECTOR committee. He went from informal articles to interviewing the student council about their plans. 

As a last committee member, I will introduce myself. My name is Denise van Dijk and I used to be in the SECTOR committee from 2018-2021.  Did you know that in 2018 the SECTOR was still printed? After these years, I did a board year at Kraket where I also got the honor to supervise the committee. With a year break from the SECTOR, I am also starting this year with a fresh view and look forward to all the interviews and columns we will be publishing. 

“We would not be the SECTOR committee if we didn’t think about innovation.”

Lastly, I will introduce Sean Lee to you. Sean is our supervisor this year and has the special task of publishing everything on the website. While he is not involved in the writing itself, he also adds a lot to the committee by bringing up ideas during the brainstorm and checking if we are doing well. 

We would not be the SECTOR committee if we didn’t think about innovation. This year we made an Instagram account to keep you updated on published or upcoming articles. Feel free to follow us! Also, when you have interesting ideas for articles yourself, you can send an email to

All in all, we are really looking forward to this year of SECTOR. With so many articles already, I want to invite you to take a look at last year's articles as well! 

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