
It's that time of the year again, the holidays are upon us! With kraket, we always celebrate Sinterklaas together. There will be pepernoten, chocolate letters, more pepernoten, and even some beers.. I can't wait. We also have our very own Sinterklaas and his pieten, who will write beautiful poems and buy personal gifts for everyone! This is guaranteed to be a nice evening, so come and join us for Sinterklaas.

Location: StudentenDOK

Time: 18:00 - 21:30

Costs: 5 euro

Capacity: 40

Registrations for this activity will open on the 8th of November at 13:00 and will close on the 15th of November at 13:00

Note: Late unregistrations or not showing up may lead to a fine. Always contact someone from the board if you are unable to come. You can find the fine policy here.

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