Ecotribune: Kraket’s Confession Corner

Ecotribune: Kraket’s Confession Corner

03 December 2021

Almost everyone has experienced something very weird in life. Probably, you were also involved in it, but you prefer to keep it a secret. The Ecotribune challenges all members of Kraket to share their secret stories anonymously in Kraket’s Confession Corner. This could be every kind of story. Examples could be: you were gossiping about your boss, when he was standing behind you or just something very crazy that you did when you were drunk. Don’t hesitate to let us know! Then, your fellow Kraket members can enjoy your secret story, while you don’t look like a fool. This is the unique opportunity to clear your heart about issues that can actually not bear the light of day.

You can share your story completely anonymously via a form. Note that the moderators also don’t know who has written a certain story. Besides, every story will be judged if it is appropriate enough to be published in the Ecotribune. 

Note: it is also possible to write your story in Dutch!

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