

  • Workshop about effective literature searching, great when writing your thesis!

    Dear students,

    I invite you to an optional lecture on effective literature searching for the EDS and EOR Bachelor's thesis. This workshop is also useful when you're in your Master's or in your first or second year!

    You’ll learn how about the mayor academic sourceshow to analyze your research question, develop a structured search strategy, and refine your results. Key topics include selecting keywords, combining search terms, and organizing your findings efficiently.

    By the end, you’ll have a practical approach to finding relevant literature, essential for both empirical and theoretical theses!

    This useful workshop takes place on Friday, February 14 from 12:00-13:30 in HG-8A33.

    05 February
  • Fill in the NSE!

    Dear Kraketters,
    You have received an email from the National Student Enquête (survey), probably in your VU mail. We kindly ask everyone to fill in this survey. The more people that participate, the more accurate the results will be. This helps making the quality of our Econometrics studies better!
    What's more, you might win a prize after filling in the form!

    29 January
  • TED x VU Amsterdam

    On Thursday the 24th of April 2025, the fifth edition of the TEDxVUAmsterdam event shall take place.. tickets coming soon!
    Moreover, on Tuesday 14th of January 2025, we shall host the Student Pitch Night, whereby the winner with the best pitch about their own chosen topic, will be chosen to participate as a speaker on the big stage during our main event in April!

    11 December
  • SBE: You in Focus: Help Us Help you!

    I am Katja Teniaeva and I’m part of the Who Are Our Students? SBE Student Typology project, an initiative by the SBE Educators' Community under the guidance of the Vice Dean of Education at SBE.

    22 November
  • Wellbeing Week 2024

    Are you curious about ways to boost your resilience? Want to work on your personal development or learn how to create a healthier balance between your study and personal life? Then come to the Wellbeing Week from 4-8 November!

    01 November
  • Vacancy: Community Building Officer at VU Amsterdam International Office

    VU Amsterdam International Office is seeking an enthusiastic and highly motivated Community Building Officer to join our team. This is an exciting opportunity for a self-driven, creative Bachelorlevel student with excellent communication and interpersonal skills to contribute to the growth and development of our vibrant academic community.

    26 July
  • Workshop Study Skills

    Having a hard time setting priorities? Or are you easily distracted when studying? Having difficulties finding the best study strategy? Or do you prefer to have a specific goal to aim for during your studies?  

    17 April
  • KHMW-Eizenga Scholarship for PhD, Master's in Economics, or MBA in the US

    For Dutch students only: Ben jij iemand of ken jij iemand die in de VS een studie economie (master of PhD) of een MBA wil gaan doen? Vraag dan deze beurs aan of geef het door! Deze beurs is voor Nederlandse studenten met ambitie, die niet langer dan 5 jaar zijn afgestudeerd en bedraagt $50.000. 

    22 March
  • Internships for Econometrics students

    Here’s a message from SBE Career Services: Doing an internship is a great way to explore the field of Econometrics and put into practice what you’ve learned during your studies. It’s also a great way to understand what kind for future job will fit you. During your bachelor and master programs there are several options to do an internship.

    14 March
  • Extended open office hour academic advisor because of BSA.

    The academic advisors will have extended open office hours during the month January because of the BSA letter that all first year students will receive this month. Is your study progress lagging behind, do you have doubts about continuing this study programme or are there personal circumstances interfering with your study progress? Please come and see the academic advisors. In case of personal circumstances it’s recommended to schedule an appointment (via below ‘appointment via Zoom or on campus). In other cases, for short questions or if there is no time slot available for a scheduled meeting, please come to the extended open office hours from Monday January 8th till Tuesday January 31st (no need to schedule an appointment): Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 12.45 – 14.15 hrs in room 8A62 and online in Zoom on Monday and Thursday from 11.00-12.30 ( Meeting ID: 942 8578 8011, Passcode: 94ALJ7)

    09 January
  • Join the Aurora course on social innovation in Iceland

    The University of Iceland offers an Erasmus+ blended intensive course (BIP) for all students of Aurora universities in their final year of their Bachelor's degree or in their Master's. Participants will gain increased knowledge of today's challenges while working towards joint solutions across disciplines in collaboration with leading supervisors from academia and industry. 

    The course combines online content, virtual sessions that take place over the semester, and a five-day capstone experience on-site at the University of Iceland in May 2024. 

    30 November
  • Astronauts challenge Dutch students ahead of astronaut congress 2024

    Astronaut André Kuipers is looking for students from mbo, hbo and wo for his new mission: NL MOONSHOTS '24. This program offers student teams the unique opportunity to work - coached by an astronaut - on a grand idea for humanity, a moonshot. NL MOONSHOTS '24 is organized in the context of the 35th ASE Planetary Congress, for which over a hundred astronauts will come to the Netherlands next year.

    06 November
  • Use the Kraket-app to sign up to events!

    In recent months, most members were unable to sign up for events through the our mobile app. This problem was caused by the upgrade to the events module on our website, which has some more advanced features, but did not work nicely with the app. After contact with our website administators, they were able to find and solve the cause of the problem. In some cases you may still be prompted to our website, though only when required to fill in the required forms or agree to the terms and conditions.

    03 October
  • VU is looking for student ambassadors

    Are you a proactive student looking to dive into the world of communication and marketing? If you're a 2nd-year Bachelor's or Master's student at the School of Business and Economics, the VU has an exciting opportunity for you. As a student assistant, you'll be part of our dynamic team, supporting various tasks from organizing open days, creating informative materials, and maintaining web content to engaging on social media and assisting with communication plans. Flexibility, good Dutch and English proficiency, and a willingness to work during some evenings and weekends are essential. This part-time position offers valuable experience and a competitive salary.

    05 September
  • Green Office Vacancies

    The GO VU is looking for new team members.

    You can find the vacancies here. The deadline to apply is May 15th.

    14 May
  • EFA

    We are honoured to host the festive, semi-centennial meeting of the European Finance Association (EFA) at the VU. The EFA is one of the top-three meetings in financial economics globally. To celebrate, we will have a panel of Nobel Laureates to discuss the next fifty years of financial economics.  Moreover, we expect about 1000 participants from all over the world.

    13 April
  • Minor Market

    Still looking for a minor? Discover VU Amsterdam's minor offerings at the VU Minor Market: Thursday 16 March from 12.00-14.00 in the New University Building (NU Building). More info:

    12 March
  • Debates: "Beyond sustainability"

    SAVE THE DATES: 5 - 7, 12 & 13 April for the event: Debates: "Beyond sustainability".

    VU students and the general community are invited to discuss some of the key aspects of the relationship between mental health and sustainability.

    05 March
  • Invitation focus group Student as Partners

    Dear student assistants, PC student member, members of student councils and other involved students at VU, You all contribute in important ways to the education VU has to offer. You advise on education, make sure the student perspective is heard, help develop education, or maybe even teach your fellow students. What you contribute is seen by VU. That is why a new project has been created to take what you do to the next level: from 'student assistant' to Student as Partner.

    05 March
  • Menstrual Poverty at VU

    Menstrual Poverty "affects women, girls and people who menstruate all over the world. Access to menstrual products, safe, hygienic spaces in which to use them, and the right to manage menstruation without shame or stigma, is essential for anyone who menstruates" (ActionAid UK, 2023, online).

    05 March
  • Change in office hours academic advisors

    As of Tuesday 10 January, the consultation hour on Tuesdays will be on campus instead of via Zoom. From then on, only the consultation hours on Mondays and Thursdays will be online via Zoom from 11-12hrs, and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays you are welcome to consult us on campus in the main building in room 8A62 from 12.45-13.45hrs. Please note our extended open office hours in January, se the announcement below for details.

    05 January
  • Master Introduction VU

    This year, the VU is going to start the next academic year with something new: they are expanding the introduction program with an introduction day specifically for new Dutch master students so that they too can quickly feel at home at the VU!

    04 July
  • VU EOR/EDS focus group

    Do you want to help to create an understanding of students-decision making? For a focus group regarding this topic (regarding bachelor programmes/specialisations/activities) the VU is looking for multiple EOR/EDS students. It does not matter which year of the bachelor you are. A requisite is that you haven’t been engaged in similar activities before (i.e. accreditation) or are a member of the study committee (opleidingscommissie). Output data will be used for further improvement of the program and will never be traced back to you as a person, therefore it's an inquiry independent from the management of the study program.

    23 May
  • Mentor application

    You can register as a mentor for the introduction week and introductionweekend. 

    22 April
  • Minormarket

    Will you choose a minor that matches your degree programme, or will you opt for something completely different? Or do you think you might go for a minor in preparation for a specific Master’s programme? The elective space in the third year of your Bachelor’s programme may seem far away, but now is the time to get oriented. Visit the VU Minor Market on Tuesday 10 March and check out your options!

    10 March
  • Master open day

    On the 5th of March 11:00 - 14:00, the next master orientation day for VU masters takes place. During this day you can find out which master you want to do after your bachelor. It will be online. You can ask all the questions you have to teachers and current master students of the master you are interested in.

    23 February
  • Fill in the National Student Survey

    The National Student Survey is a survey on student satisfaction in the Netherlands. All students in Dutch higher education are invited to participate in this survey to give their opinion on the course programme of their study as well as on their university. 

    27 January
  • Form study advisors

    Help the study advisors by filling in a form. By filling in the form, they can make their services better and help even more students.

    07 December
  • Ecotribune: Kraket’s Confession Corner

    Almost everyone has experienced something very weird in life. Probably, you were also involved in it, but you prefer to keep it a secret. The Ecotribune challenges all members of Kraket to share their secret stories anonymously in Kraket’s Confession Corner. This could be every kind of story. Examples could be: you were gossiping about your boss, when he was standing behind you or just something very crazy that you did when you were drunk. Don’t hesitate to let us know! Then, your fellow Kraket members can enjoy your secret story, while you don’t look like a fool. This is the unique opportunity to clear your heart about issues that can actually not bear the light of day.

    03 December
  • Health and wellbeing week

    Do you want to know how to create a healthier balance between your study and private life? Do you feel the need to recharge after a heavy exam week? Do you want to work on your personal development and increase your social network? Are you curious as to how you can contribute to a more inclusive and safer climate at VU? Then come to the Health & Wellbeing Week!
    You can find more information and the program here.

    06 November
  • Careers in Econometrics and Operations Research

    Get introduced to a variety of career paths in Econometrics and Operations Research on November
    11th, from 16.00-17.30 hrs. online. Meet a broad selection of alumni in your industry. Talk informally
    with young professionals and ask all your burning questions.

    01 November
  • Rooms during the exam week

    The first exam week is coming closer. During this week Kraket reserved rooms for its members which can be used to study. Monday October 25 until Thursday October 28 you can use room HG-8A37 from 9 until 17. On the Friday October 29 room HG-9A24 is reserved also from 9 to 17. Furthermore,during the exam week you can come by the Kraket room to pick up a grilled cheese sandwich from 12:00 - 14:00. Good luck with your exams!

    14 October
  • StudentTalentAward 2021

    Are you or do you know a talented, driven SBE student who makes a special social and/or cultural contribution, who is successfully active on many fronts and who is involved in the VU? Then nominate yourself or this student for the StudenTalent Prize 2021!

    04 October
  • Ecotribune: Quest to Invest

    Do you remember the 'Quest to Invest' in the Ecotribune last year?
    Since it was such a big success last year, the 2.0 version will take place this year. 

    28 September
  • Kraket WhatsApp

    In the beginning of every month, the monthly planning will be send through WhatsApp to the people who signed up for it. This year there will again be looked at who wants the list. So, if you received the planning last year and want to receive them again, make sure to write a message to the Kraket number (06-83169846) with you name in it. Also, if you hadn't signed up last year and want to receive them, send a message.Then you won't miss a monthly planning again this year!

    26 September
  • Happy Landing

    Last Saturday the second-year students had the onboarding activity where many of them had fun. After a fox hunt, pub quiz and diner, it is time for another fun activity to have a little fun with the other second-year students. Therefore, the VU organizes Happy Landing at Thuishaven on the 30th of September 2021. This is an event for second-year students from all over the VU. You can find more information here.

    22 September
  • Blended learning after the pandemic

    Since March 2020, all teaching activities have taken place online. For the next academic year, there is a good chance that on-campus education will start again.

    09 June
  • Request your free self-tests

    Students and employees of participating institutions in higher professional education and universities can apply for their free self-tests here. Self-tests for vocational education institutions will be become available from the beginning of June. You can request your free self-test here.

    25 May
  • Graduation ceremony

    The VU will organize pickup days per program during which students can pickup their diploma.
    The pickup days are for graduates whose graduation process has started no later than the 31st of March 2021 who have received the email that their graduation has been processed. 

    23 May
  • Triple A
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