On this page you can find the answer to questions we are often asked about. If your question isn't in here or you are still not sure about something, don't hesitate to contact us here or by sending an email to info@kraket.nl

Is there an app I should download?

Yes, there is a Kraket App that is very useful to have! You can download the app here:

App Store or Google Play Store

I cannot log in and my username is not known to Kraket, what can I do?

If you are a second-year student or higher, your username ususally is "firstletter.surname@kraket.nl". For example, if someone is named John Doe, his username would be: j.doe@kraket.nl. If this does not work, a possible reason could be that your combination of first letter and surname is already being used by another member. Try putting a 2 behind your first letter when this is the case(e.g. j2.doe@kraket.nl).

If you are a first-year student, your username is your personal mail address (a Gmail account, Outlook account, etc.). If you are encountering problems when logging in, please mail secretaris@kraket.nl.

With your username you can request a new password. This password will be send to the email that you filled in during your registration. After you have received your email with a new password and have logged in, you can change your password under My Kraket --> My profile --> Account -> Password.

I have already graduated but the contribution to Kraket is still being withdrawn, what can I do?

After you have graduated, you will not be automatically be unsubscribed. If you would like to unsubscribe, you can do so by going to My Kraket --> My profile --> Account -> Unenroll, or you can send an email to info@kraket.nl. Your unsubscription must happen before the 1st of August to not be registered for the contribution withdrawal of the new academic year. If you unsubscribe after the 1st of August, a single withdrawal of the contribution will still happen.

I think about studying econometrics and am interested in following a student for a day, how can I try this?

That's sounds great! Send an email to info@kraket.nl and we will help you further with this!

Next year, I want to study econometrics. What type of laptop do I need?

For the study you don't need a specific type of laptop. However, we recommend one with a good processor as these laptops will take less time to run a code of a programm. 

After subscribing to Kraket, I didn't get my login details.

Great that you became a member! After you subscribe on the website, your subscription will be processed manually. This means you don't get your login immediately after signing up. However, it could happen that the email is in your spam folder. Don't forget to check your spam folder!

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