Committee Registration

Click here for the committee registration form.

Dear member of Kraket,

As the year is already comming to an end, we have our final two committees that will be formed.

Charity Committee
The Charity Committee devises three possible concepts of an interactive activity or a long-term project with a charity for next year and presents this at the first General Assembly. The members will take votes and choose the concept the committee will work on. You will organise an auction, an activity with the charity, and an extra activity, which was a poker tournament this year. This past year, our members voted for Vier Het Leven, for which we raised a lot of money with the auction. Would you like to commit yourself to a charity and/or do you have organizational talent? Sign up!

LEST Committee
Every six years Kraket gets the honour to organize the LEST (National Econometrics Sports Tournament), for all the econometrics study associations.The LEST committee will make sure the sportday runs smoothly and coordinates the tournament for over 100 people. Next to this, the committee is responsible for the organisation of a dinner and an activity plus party at the end of the day. As the LEST Committee you are also free to come up with a new idea for the day. For example this year the LEST Committee came up with the idea to host a boat party instead of a sports tournament. You are free to come up with new ideas or stick to the old ones.
Would you like to organise one of the biggest sports event and party of the year? Sign up!

Still in doubt? Or do you have any unanswered questions about one of the committees? Just ask. You can always contact me (or someone else from the board).

Interested? Signing up is possible until and including June 6th 2024 by sending your motivation to, or by filling in the form.

Kind regards,

Maarten Moens Internal & Educational Affairs Officer Kraket 2023/2024

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